
My Profile

Personal Information

Braden Smith



I have come from a small town of Echuca, located on the Murry River, where I attended all of my education, from kindergarden to high school. I am able to ride a Uni-cycle, I have a cat called Pretzel, I used to play Football, and tend to game quite a bit.

Interest in IT

What is your interest in IT? When did your interest in IT start? Was there a particular event or person that sparked your interest? Outline your IT experience.

At a young age, I have always been interested in Technology, my father brought the love for IT into the house, as he purchased gadgets that weren’t necessary, but surely had a unique aspect to where this subject expands. Specifically new innovations that are being engineered, such as faster processers, bendable screens, and new intuitive cars, grabbed my attention. My first computer sparked a deeper interest into the vast technological world, able to communicate, or access information all throughout the world, gave me an insight into the potential, and further growth of technology.

Ideal Job

The position:
Mine Sight Technologies is promoting a job that utilises technology to track their services, and lighting for industrial jobs such as mining or tunnelling. The job offer is to seek other Technological advancements in their business, such as finding new equipment that can be used within their targeted industry. Designing, and manufacturing telecommunication equipment solutions to over 300 mining sites. This job interests me due to the need to innovate new communication designs for I.T, and work with mining companies to create a more efficient work life for those individuals. Working with computers has always been a hobby, as well as testing new innovations, having possession of the latest technology has always intrigued my curiosity.

7 years experience as an administrator, or system engineer, which includes server maintenance experience, Networking, and understanding of hardware, and software, and the management of employees/stakeholders.

My experiences:
I have had experience with managing stakeholders at previous jobs, such as directing when individuals work, and where to operate at. I am currently learning software, but have had previous experience with building computers. I have had work experience at my home town’s council with networking

How I will obtain these skills:
Most of these requirements can be achieved through a programming course. Through learning various programs and languages throughout University and getting a degree in such areas, it will be beneficial in obtaining more experience as a system engineer, which strengthens my chances of getting this job. However, to also heighten my chances of getting this job, a job at a smaller company as administrator, or as a software engineer can enable me to get more experience up to suit the demands of this company.

Personal Profile


What do these tests mean to you?
These tests give you a rough idea of what kind of person you are, weather you’re a tactile learner, or if you’re more likely to be a leader or a listener. However, I struggle to believe these tests, as emotions becomes a large factor in what you answer, as some individuals can have such rapid emotions that one answer could be another within 10 seconds. Like with “Artisan” and “The commander,” provide two different resulting characters that the program has depicted, concluding that the results go based off your emotions at that certain time.

How do you think these results may influence your behaviour in a team?
If all individuals are to take the same quiz with all similar variables such as time, then It could be an efficient way of depicting those who should be placed together. This also can highlight if the results are successful, for example, if one’s results are to display that they are a leader, than they should place one leader in every group, and decide If that is the characteristic that they have. These results will not influence my behaviour, as those results may be inaccurate, if not, everyone could account for everyone’s characteristic, and behave accordingly.

How should you take this into account when forming a team?

When forming a team, there is always bound to be a leader/natural leader, by identifying who the leader is, such as taking the quiz, then the team can identify which individual suits the role best, therefore this prevents any clashes of leaders. People can also be adjusted roles to suit their characteristic.

Project Idea

Project idea: Time Card App

The timecard software is an application that can be in a form of a website, and an app on a phone, which allows employees to quickly and efficiently clock in and clock out – removing the need for time-sheets. The app which is focused for all businesses, can send information to the employer, whom can control how the users prove that they’re at the workplace, and also be able to view the financial side of the application, which calculates the work hours, and pay for that employee. Various functions can allow the employees to also view their times, where to work, and other details that the employer details.

Working contributes to everyone’s life, it is how most survive, at large, technology is becoming more popularised every day. Yet, so much paper, and unnecessary time is spent on time cards, where as a much more efficient electronic time card system can reduce the need for extensive employee pay management. There are 2.3 Million businesses in Australia, with such a large audience, you are bound to have multiple users, which would be a goal complete if this app was to make someone’s life a lot easier. This application will be useful for multiple businesses, as some are still relying on reading what employees have put onto their time stamps, when all that information could already be completed before hand.

For my app, there will be various tasks that the employer and employees can contribute towards the software. It is vital for employers to have major access towards what the employee can do, so having an app that can be customisable, so that the employer can set the standards of how to clock-in and out can create more security and authenticity towards the program, and the business. This idea can utilise many functions that today’s phones or tablets have, functions such as the camera, which can be used for facial recognition, or taking a “selfie” of the employee to prove that they are at the required location, accompanied by using the location services feature on all devices, allows the employer to identify that the employee is at the workplace, other features such as finger print scanners that a lot of devices have, voice recognition that android devices have, or login with username and passwords makes sure to incorporate the devices functionalities, rather than having to create such programming, cutting time and costs. There are so many possible steps-of-verifications that the employer can set for the employees to complete, depending on the setting the business provides. What is great about applications, is that they can be portable on devices such as phones, so when employers want to make sure an individual is accurately clocking-in/out at a specific work site, such as a construction or house, they can easily press a button, that automatically finds the location, takes a photo, and time stamps, which sends immediately back to the employer’s database, which can calculate the current hours, with the pay-rate, removing the need for a payroll employee. Portability is a key feature towards this software, as employees can be issued work-phones that can support this app, it ensures that the employee can securely clock in and out, and allowing the employer to make sure that they are at the correct designated workplace, if its for a contracting business, such as plumbing, or electrician. Full automation is the type of future that I am passionate about, when I have gained a sufficient amount of experience with software, this idea can become such an advanced system, such as simply entering the work space clocks you in, removing the need for opening up the app. Automatic payroll will be a key feature with the software, with the information that the employee gives to the database, it allows the software to automatically calculate hours, tax, and pay for that week, day, or any designated time that the employer requires. This reduces the need for payroll employees, as the fully automatic system cuts costs drastically. On the website, it allows the employer to easily access all this information, either downloading it, previewing it, or simply requesting the payroll to be forwarded to the bank, allowing quick and easy access to the documentation gives comfortability to the employer, and allows them to document the business’s progress.

Tools and Technology:
The tools required for this assignment will mostly be a computer, and an android and apple device, as they will be used for testing the software. Luckily for software, there are a lot of good free coding programs, such as IntelliJ Idea, that I can utilise to create more software. Websites such as www.w3schools.com can help me in programming tips and tricks with html, CSS, or java, making my experience a lot more easier, as well as www.YouTube.com can help learn language, and specific tasks that I can learn off.

Skills Required:
The app/software industry is very competitive, there are people who have countless years of experience with software development, and by creating such an app, I will be competing against those individuals. It is best if I try to focus more on functionality when creating this app, as the idea and what users can expect can make the application gain popularity. Another drawback is the small amount of time to learn how to create a secure software, and one that does not crash. The skills that I require are programming with java, html with CSS, and learn Appery.IO, with access to the internet, I can acquire a large amount of information online through YouTube.

If the project turns to be a success, it can be placed on the app store/play store, and advertised to businesses around Australia. We can tend to many small businesses, that may struggle at financing, and struggle to afford an accountant to do the payroll, as a result, we can boost the revenue and success of small businesses. Regardless of how wide-spread it becomes, this software can benefit a business, and benefit my software development skills, as I can learn from my mistakes, and learn where to improve on such features.